Programs and presentations

This page features some presentations and programs.

I started programming on PC's in the 90's , using QBASIC 4.5, although, for my "regular" work in nuclear physics, I used FORTRAN and earlier ALGOL.
Translating my programs into a more modern language would mean learning yet another language, just to repeat myself.
Eventually I may set myself to do just that, but for now, I make them available as they are.
Anyone whom it amuses to translate them, is wellcome to do so.
If you do, please make due reference to the original and make your translated version available for general use and for free.
For those, who want to run them as they are: QBASIC 4.5 is available, but the BASIC programs are best run under the modern and much faster version QB64.

CV and List of publications.pdf
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CV and List of publications
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Zip file of QBASIC 4.5

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Explanation of the rainbow, with adjustable number of internal reflections. Run under QB64.

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REF2017 is a ray tracing program that computes atmospheric refraction and airmasses for dry air and for the atmospheric vapor content. It uses the MUSA76 atmosphere, as defined in my 2003 and 2008 articles on ray tracing. See under Files (English). Parameters like height of the observer, ground temperature and atmospheric pressure are user-defined. This program is written for QB64.

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REF2023 is the latest version of my ray tracing program that computes atmospheric refraction and airmasses for dry air and for the atmospheric vapor content. It uses the MUSA76 atmosphere, as defined in my 2003 and 2008 articles on ray tracing. See under Files (English). Parameters like height of the observer, ground temperature and atmospheric pressure are user-defined. This program is written for QB64.
REF2023 is the follow-up of REF2017, still available on this site. The difference is that in REF2023 all action is in the subroutines and that the main program is just a sequence of calling them.

Simulation Inferior Mirage.mp4
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Simulation of an inferior mirage, seen from Schiermonnikoog, NL, on 24 june 2023, ending in a pronounced green flash.